Monday, August 25, 2008

"Donna's Sunflowers"

"Donna's Sunflowers" is a 16" x 20" oil painting of a vase of sunflowers prepared by Lulu for Donna Charron's funeral dinner. She left them at my studio and I took a few photos. I used some vibrant colors, as I experiment around. The colors in the photo are not true to the original in that the background is a deeper hue and the vase is violet and the table is a deep violet brown. If I get a better photo later, I will publish it. Unframed, this painting is priced at $275.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

INSIDER 573 Highlights Ste Genevieve

INSIDER 573 was in Ste Genevieve, from what I understand, doing a story on the 200th anniversary of The Academy, Frank and Annette Rolfe's home. While they were here, they became interested in the growing Art Scene. So, look for Ste Genevieve to be highlighted soon on the pages of the INSIDER 573.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Jour de Fete

Every August, during the 2nd weekend, Ste Genevieve opens its doors and streets to Jour De Fete. This year is the 42nd edition. Studio de Michel and the Ste Genevieve Art Guild cooperated to secure the space in front of the Studio to promote the artists of the Guild and the region. Thousands of people passed by and left their compliments and encouragement. Alex Ward supplied the large outside paintings promoting his first exhibit at Studio de Michel. Some of them left a few dollars as they made purchases of local art. A special thanks to all of our new supporters.